With an estimated 35,000 bikes stolen in Belgium each year (and 65% of bike thefts going unreported), ensuring the legitimate provenance of bikes on our platform is our priority.

We follow extremely strict rules to verify the provenance of any bike offered for sale on our platform:

1. We make sure that the seller has the charger and the battery key

Every new bike comes with an original charger and battery key. If the seller of a bike does not have the charger or battery key, we will not accept the bike. 

2. We have the seller complete a certificate of transfer which includes their identity

Knowing who we buy a bike from is essential. A certificate of transfer is issued for each purchase: the identity of the seller is verified and recorded, so that the life cycle of the bike can be monitored. 

3. No cash: we pay exclusively by bank transfer 

We only use bank transfers to ensure that we can trace each transaction. This allows us to have additional proof of purchase and to trace the history of a bike in case of problems.